A Woman
in the House

How a third-generation Japanese-American school teacher and mom from Hawaii overturned the status quo to become a state legislator, a U.S. Congresswoman, head of the U.S. Small Business Administration — and an effective Republican in a decidedly Democrat state.

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Message from the author

Honorable Patricia F Saiki

“I keep reminding myself that I first ran for office more than 50 years ago! A lot has changed in those five-plus decades, nationally and particularly in Hawaii. And as a result, there are now a couple of generations in Hawaii and the country for whom the important political battles of five decades ago, let alone one decade, is ancient history. I thought it would be important to share some of my story with the younger generations. They need to know that it’s possible to lead and bring about systemic change even in the face of overwhelming odds. They need to know that it’s important to be willing to step into the ring and lead, that change can result if you have courage, keep your focus, and are willing to fight the good fight. That’s the spirit of my memoir. I hope it inspires a new generation of civic-minded youth, particularly young women, to step forward and be counted.”

“A Woman in the House” is the story of a true leader, former member of Congress, Pat Saiki, a woman whose leadership has made a difference in the lives of so many -- inspiring small business women and men, helping families and educating children. It is also a book that gives us the secret to true and lasting success and one that should be provided to every young person seeking to find their way in life.

Patricia Harrison President and CEO, Corporation for Public Broadcasting

“Pat Saiki paved the way for women like me who wanted to make a positive difference in people’s lives. Her ability to affect positive change through groundbreaking legislation while navigating a tough political environment illustrates her special gift for public service. Pat and I are from different generations so I did not have a chance to serve with her, but because of her many legislative successes and real life example of servant leadership, I was able to be elected as a Republican Mayor of Maui County and Governor of Hawaii in an overwhelmingly Democrat state. I am indebted to her and grateful for all she did for the people of Hawaii.”

Governor Linda Lingle, Former Two-Term Governor of Hawaii

“It was Pat Saiki who encouraged me to seriously consider running for Congress. When I decided to run, I did so inspired by Pat’s record of accomplishments at the state and national levels. Thank you, Pat, for many years of public service, and for being a guiding light for so many women in Hawaii and across our great country.”

U.S. Senator Susan Collins (R-Maine) Washington, DC